Sunday, 30 November 2008

Two lectures

Designing indistinct systems: theory and practice of transdisciplinary research
Rolf Hughes and Ronald Jones
Experience Design Group, Deprtment of Interdisciplinary Studies, Konstfack

The aim of the workshop is to compare the claims made for, through and in artistic research to those promised by transdisciplinary research methodologies. Rolf Hughes will introduce the core concepts of practice-based research and discuss whether these are rapidly becoming institutional “orthodoxies”. Ronald Jones will then present an introduction to transdisciplinary premises and potentialities. Rolf Hughes will then provide a theoretical framing of disciplinary logics such as “borders”, “edges”, “material” and substance”, relating such theoretical concepts to a methodology we are developing at the Experience Design group (EDG) around trandsisciplinary research in practice. Ronald Jones will conclude the presentation with a discussion of existing transdisciplinary case studies in research and in artistic practice, including a new EDG research project funded by the Swedish Knoweldge Foundation (KK-Stiftelsen) on the theme Experience Design: The Future of Play.

13.00 8th December, Svarta Havet

Ronald Jones
Experience Design Group, Konstfack

The creative disciplines are undergoing the most significant paradigm shift in living memory prompting substantial adjustments to the core-values at some university art, design and architecture programs. As a result, a few of the most advanced programs in the world are educating designers, artists and architects with one goal: to make optimal impact in bringing rapid change to increasingly complex problems to give their graduates greater reach, responsibility, influence and relevance.

15.00 9th December, Svarta Havet

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