1st conference of the SLSA-EU, the European sister organization of the SLSA
Place and dates Riga/Liepaja (Latvia), 15-20 June, 2010
Main organizer Electronic Text + Textiles (e-t+t
Venues Main site for the academic programme, reception, lunches:
The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE)
Other conference sites:
e-t+t; Latvian Centre for Contemporary Arts; Riga City Art Space (t.b.c.), Art Lab, University of Liepaja
Theme The SLSA-EU 2010 conference is dedicated to exploring fabrics, structures, surfaces, and interfaces in a world that has been transformed to a large extent through technoscience and networked media. This transformed world is highly textured, partly through verbal and non-verbal 'texts' but also by mixtures of human-made and given environments whose complexity offers resistance to symbolic readings.
Through the term, 'textures,' we aim to bring together transitional figures of thought in many fields:
in literary criticism: the movement from the material signifier to meaning, affect, and communication;
in the arts: the well-known 'resistance in the materials’;
in cognitive science: the transition from the neuronal to the mental;
in a textile: the construction of cloth and the surfacing of a pattern from the interwoven material threaded lengthwise (warp) and widthwise (weft);
in painting: the emergence of a whole through the patterning of smaller elements; the presentation of an 'all over' composition in a series of canvases;
in sound art: the blending of running water or traffic noise into a continuous sonic structure;
with regard to the body: the perpetual becoming-other of an allegedly fixed and bordered identity;
the ‘fold’ in Deleuze; the ‘tissue of quotations’ in Barthes, the ‘weave’ in Derrida, the feminist spider's embodied writing of gendered subjectivity, and other materialist readings of familiar poststructuralist conceits;
etc. (please send us your ideas)
The list is meant to be suggestive, not restrictive, of the range of interests we hope to accommodate. As the conscious embrace of constraints – in science, literature and the arts – , can be productive not narrowing, so is our theme designed to be generative and to stitch together the diverse theoretical and transdisciplinary approaches that have long defined SLSA research.
Call for Abstracts
The main conference site, The Stockholm School of Economics, is equipped with state of the art technology, but the newness and limited resources of the main organizer, e-t+t, means that we must restrict the conference to 120 papers.
Deadlines and Submission Address
Submission of abstract (300 words): end of June 2009
Notification by e-t+t: end of August 2009
Registrations: from September 2009; early bird rate:
170€ up to end of January 2010, then 200€
Paper submission: end of March 2010
All proposals should be sent to a single email address: 2010slsa@gmail.com
Please see the e-t+t website for updates: http://www.e-text-textiles.lv/
We look forward to your participation.
Zane Berzina, Manuela Rossini, Joseph Tabbi (Co-Creative Directors of e-t+t),
Anda Klavina, Haralds Matulis (Site hosts),
and local and international partners
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